My work evolves from the reality of the photo. Both the easel work and public art murals have been based on the people and circumstances that I encounter, with both being an appreciation of the human figure. I was born and raised in the Koreatown area of Los Angeles, did my time in the US Army, and UCLA’s graduate MFA program. I spent most of the 70s and 80s in Chiapas State, Mexico, where I honed my skills in murals and public art. In 1985 I was awarded a Fulbright Fellowship and lived in Mexico City, working on large monotypes and murals. I saw the influence of Mexican-American-Chicano barrio realism on the Mexico City art world first hand, with young artists discovering the gritty streets of their own city. I lived in the Tepito district, the Hell’s Kitchen of the capital, near |
the Mercado Sonora, the world’s largest toy market. I saw how Chicano art had come full circle, with the artisanship of the Mexican craftsman taken to Los Angeles and made into the art of the Chicano experience. Now it had come back to its origins, the handcrafted toys influencing Mexican sculpture, the street theatre of Luis Valdez’s Teatro Campesino becoming performance art.
I am familiar with Central America, having done some murals in Estelí, Nicaragua, in 89-90. In the 90s, with Chiapas being an extension of that experience, the 1994 Zapatista Revolution was no surprise. In 1995, I was awarded another Fulbright, this time for teaching public art at the National School of Fine Arts in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Here again, I was in Hell’s Kitchen, the barrio of Comayagüela being well known as the crucible of the “Mara”, the gangs of Central America. My students at the School, however, completed two large murals and got paid contracts for two more, while I completed my usual quota of easel paintings and monotypes on paper.
I live and work in Los Angeles, the creative capital of the world and arguably the second largest city in Mexico. I continue to paint and lately have been doing some airbrush over photosilkscreen experiments in cut fired tile. These grew out of my public art work, a growth industry in the arts that pays most of the bills. |
2018 Ceramic tile paver work for the 4th District Court of Appeals, West Palm Beach (Lee Modica lee@leemodica.com 850-766-7117). $24K |
Passageway to Catlett Hall, University of Iowa; ceramic frit on glass; 13’ x 52’ (Shawn Albaugh Kleppe, shawn-a-kleppe@uiowa.edu). $90K |
A mobile for the entrance lobby of Rogers Park Community Center, Inglewood CA (Sabrina Barnes sbarnes@cityofinglewood.org). $25K |
Acrylic mural for Portland Community College Cascade Campus Student Union (Rebecca Ocken, 503-706-2513 503.706.2513 rebecca.ocken@pcc.edu). $25K |
Inlaid tile on travertine stone benches, Crescent Bay Park in Laguna Beach CA (Project Manager Sian Poeschl 949-4970722x4 spoeschl@lagunabeachcity.net). $35K |
City of Burbank-Incheon, South Korea, Sister Cities Project for sculptures and pavers installed at the Port of Incheon (PM Krista Dietrich, 818.238.5567, KDietrich@ci.burbank.ca.us). $50K |
Cut-tile mural work for the new Blake Transit Center in Ann Arbor, Michigan (Michelle Whitlow, MWhitlow@theride.org 734-794-1813). $50K |
Cut-tile mural for the Valley METRO Main St. Station, Mesa AZ ( Ms. MB Finnerty, mfinnerty@valleymetro.org). $22K |
Platform pavers for the San Bernardino CA Omnitrans Civic Center Station (Project Manager Lesley A. Elwood, laelwood@earthlink.net, (310) 836-6512, www.elwoodandassociates.com). $35K |
Commission for the Minneapolis-St. Paul Green Line Project for tile work on three stations (Project Manager Alicia Vap, AICP Metro Council, 651-602-1961 Alicia.Vap@metc.state.mn.us). $557K |
A series of hand-brushed acrylic mobiles for the Anacostia High School cafeteria atrium in Washington DC, Project Manager MaryBeth Brown, DC Commission on the Arts, marybeth.brown@dc.gov, 202.374.7835. $50K |
A series of acrylic murals for the new Clark Middle School and an acrylic mural for Begich Middle School, Anchorage AK (Project Manager Jocelyn Young, 907-343-6473, YoungJH@ci.anchorage.ak.us). $210K |
Cut-tile artwork for Oregon State University's Goss Stadium (Project Manager Saralyn Hilde, 541-754-7116, mshilde@comcast.net). $40K |
Commission for the City of Los Angeles Valley Boulevard Grade Separation Project to design and install a number of large limestone stelae and varied mosaic and tile sidewalk floor treatments (Project Manager Felicia Filer, ffiler@cad.lacity.org, 213-473- 8574). $226K |
Acrylic Mural, LA County Woodcrest Library, (Letitia F. Ivins, Civic Art Coordinator LIvins@arts.lacounty.gov, LA County Arts Commission 213-202-5859). $12K |
Platform pavers for the San Bernardino CA Omnitrans Civic Center Station (Project Manager Lesley A. Elwood, laelwood@earthlink.net, (310) 836-6512, www.elwoodandassociates.com). $35K |
Current commission for the Minneapolis-St. Paul Central Corridor Light Rail Project for tile work on three stations (Project Manager Alicia Vap, AICP, 651-602-1961 Alicia.Vap@metc.state.mn.us). $557K |
Commission for the City of San José CA to design and install a large tile mural for the new SJFD Fire Station #2 (Project Manager Jennifer Easton, 408.277.5144 ext. 24, jennifer.easton@sanjoseca.gov). $67K |
Current commission for the City of San José CA to design and install a large tile mural and tile sidewalk pavers for the new SJFD Fire Station #2 (Project Manager Jennifer Easton, 408.277.5144 ext. 24, jennifer.easton@sanjoseca.gov). $115K |
Current commission for the City of Los Angeles Valley Boulevard Grade Separation Project to design and install a number of large limestone stelae and varied mosaic and tile sidewalk floor treatments (Project Manager Felicia Filer, ffiler@cad.lacity.org, 213-473-8574). $226K |
Outdoor tile work includes murals and pavers for the new East Los Angeles Civic Center (Project Manager Loretta Lee, AIA, lee@gruenassociates.com, 323-937-4270 x 364) |
Worked with Widom Waine Cohen O’Leary Torasawa Architects for an interior mural and a series of pavers at the new LAPD North Valley Area Police Station (Project Manager Carrie Roche, 213-473-8570, croche@cad.lacity.org). $87K |
A series of 10 small (1’x10’) bench tile murals at the new Port of Los Angeles Cruise Ship Promenade (Manager Jody Rassell, fineartsservices@sbcglobal.net, 213-617-2217). $22K |
Worked with Kiewit/Washington Design-Build Contractors on the artwork design and fabrication for the LA MTA Gold Line Heritage Square Station. (Alan Nakagawa, Senior Public Arts Officer, Metro Art MTA, One Gateway Plaza, Los Angeles CA 90012-2952 nakagawaa@metro.net, 213-922-2000) $110K |
Worked with the La Cañada Design Group on Long Beach (CA) Transit’s Bus Stop Art Program (Project Director Vida Brown, 562-570-1932, pcapublicart@aol.com). |
A series of 35 paver treatments using high fire glaze airbrush over photosilkscreen on broken tile with hand-rolled ceramic inserts; bordered with plate bronze plasma cut for additional ceramic inserts; Salt Lake City Downtown Renovation Project (Project Manager Nancy Boskoff, 801-596-5000). |
A series of hand painted acrylic polymer murals on fiberglass mesh for the Juvenile Justice Center, Eugene OR (Project Manager Kirsten Jones, 541-345-7563/485-3991). |
Mural of combined cut bronze with cut tile insets using airbrush glaze over silkscreen glaze; School of Pharmacy, University of Montana, Missoula. |
Two tile murals for the Jackson-Hartsfield Atlanta International Airport (Project Manager David Vogt, 404-530-4289). |
Acrylic mural on canvas for the lobby of Luth Research, San Diego (Roseanne Luth, rluth@luthresearch.com, 619-283-7333). |
Four acrylic murals on fiberglass mesh for the central atrium of the Interdisciplinary Research Center at North Carolina A&T State University in Greensboro (Project Manager Linda Dougherty, contact Jeffrey York, jeffreyork@ncmail.net, 919-733-2882). |
15 life-size tile pieces for the exterior walls of the General Services Administration, Douglas AZ US Border Station (GSA Project Manager Esther Timberlake, 415-522-3162/3182). |
Fulbright Teaching Fellowship at the National School of Fine Arts, Tegucigalpa, Honduras; taught mural painting and mixed-media. |
Commission from the Cleveland Regional Transportation Authority for 12 mixed media pieces on cut aluminum in the walkway between the Tower City Shopping Center and the Gateway Sports Complex (Jacobs Field & Cavaliers Arena), Cleveland, Ohio. |
Mural commission from Eastman Kodak for the entrance lobby of the Motion Picture Service Center, Hollywood. |
A 27 ft. by 140 ft. acrylic mural on fiberglass mesh for the exterior of the Lompoc Valley Chamber of Commerce Building. |
Mural at the Lincoln High School Auditorium commemorating the 20th anniversary of the national Chicano student organization MEChA under a commission from the City of Los Angeles Endowment for the Arts. |
Two donated mural projects at the invitation of the Nicaraguan Ministry of Culture at the Municipal Gallery and Catholic Community Center, Estelí, Nicaragua. |
A 30 ft. by 25 ft. mural at the Pico-Aliso Housing Projects, Boyle Heights District, under a grant from the City of Los Angeles. |
Two murals for the Phoenix Arts Commission at the McDowell Road Underpass, Phoenix AZ. |
Mural works under a Fulbright Research Fellowship for Mexico at the Municipal Cultural Center, Yajalón, Chiapas; at Technical High School #25, Colonia Zacahuitzco, Mexico City; and the US Embassy Benjamin Franklin Library, Colonia Juarez, Mexico City. |
Master of Fine Arts – University of California of Los Angeles |
Academy of Fine Arts, Rome |
Fulbright Teaching Fellowship, Honduras |
Fulbright Research Fellowship, Mexico |
Brody Arts Foundation Grant |
Ford Foundation Mexican-American Fellowship |
City of Los Angeles Cultural Affairs Department North Valley Police Station Public Art Project. |
National Visual Arts Award, Tegucigalpa, Honduras. |
Los Angeles Metro Transportation Authority China Town Public Art Project. |
City of Los Angeles Cultural Affairs Department Institution Grants. |
Fulbright Association, Washington, DC
Permanent Seminar of Chicano and Border Studies, National Institute of Anthropology and History, INAH, México, DF, México
2002 “Censored Stories”, Avenue 50 Studio, Highland Park CA
1998 Wanamaker Gallery, Costarican-North American Cultural Center San Jose
1998 “Across the Street”, Laguna Art Museum, Laguna Beach CA
1997 “Works from the Collection of SHGA”, Riverside (CA) Art Museum
1997 Anchorage Museum of History and Art, Anchorage, Alaska
1996 “Chicano Expressions”, Galerie Cité de Livre, Aix-en-Provence, France
1996 Gallery of the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana/Azcapotzalco, Mexico City
1996 MacLaren Hall, LA County Probation Dept., El Monte CA
1996 “Day of the Dead Celebration”, Glasgow Print Studio, Glasgow, Scotland
1995 Social & Public Art Resource Center “Tribute to Self-Help”, Venice CA
1995 “Selected Work from SHGA”, Watts Towers Art Gallery, Los Angeles
1995 Art Gallery, University of California, Irvine CA
1995 “Untitled”, Engman/Juarez Fine Art, Laguna Beach CA
1995 Amerika Haus – US Cultural Center, Berlin
1995 “Chicano Expressions”, Muséedu Noveau Monde, La Rochelle, France
1994 “Chicano Expressions”, Pretoria Arts Museum, Pretoria, South Africa